Your Implementation Shop

Empowering Your Strategy Implementation: Discover Bridges’ Expertly Crafted Books and Comprehensive Assessments


Robin is the world’s most prolific writer on strategy implementation and has published Nine books on the subject.

Implement Book

Implement: Doing it Right in a Digital World – Paperback (In color and signed)

SGD $29.95

This book provides the frameworks, tools, and techniques you need to excel in digital transformation.

  • Plan your journey with the Implementation Compass and Canvas.
  • Communicate and inspire your team to action with Strategy on a Page.
  • Lead your team from digital detachment to determination with the IDCLA Framework.

IMPLEMENT is your definitive guide to world-class strategy implementation.

Amazon Reviews


World’s Best Bank – A Strategic Guide to Digital Transformation – Paperback

SGD $24.95

Also, available in Hardback, eBook and Audio book.


Translated into simplified Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian Bahasa, Vietnamese and traditional Chinese.

Arabic translation coming in 2024.

DBS Book

Amazon Reviews

DLP book cover
Digital Leadership Playbook: A Step-By-Step Model

Discover how to guide your organization to digitally transform by using the Ticking Clock Model. This ebook is co-authored with Jeremy Blain.

Playbook 2.0
Strategy Implementation Playbook 2.0: A Step-By-Step Guide

The Strategy Implementation Institute’s body of knowledge to support leaders to succeed in implementing their strategy.

Robin book

182 Questions for
Digital Execution

Prepare leadership teams to develop a comprehensive implementation plan during the organization’s strategy planning.

Robin book
Excellence In Execution: How to implement your strategy

Fills the knowledge gap that has been created from leaders being taught how to plan and not how to execute.

Robin book
Beyond Strategy

Discover a model, structure and the specific actions for leaders to go beyond strategy and deliver on their strategy promises.

Robin book
Bricks to Bridges: Make Your Strategy Come Alive

Avoid the most common implementation mistakes and adopt the Implementation Compass™ to guide your organizations implementation journey

Robin book
Turning It On: Surefire business stories to ignite, excite and entertain

Packed with incredible and truly engaging tales it offers creative ways to add substance and sparkle to all your communications.


Assess Your Readiness: Explore how Bridges’ organizational and individual assessments can prepare you for the strategy implementation journey.

Organizational Assessments

Assessment icon
Digital Transformation Assessment (DTA)

Where is your organization on its digital transformation journey?

SGD $199.00

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Digital Best Practices Benchmark

How does your organization match up against one of the top ten digital transformations of the last decade according to Harvard?

SGD $199.00

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Readiness2Implement Assessment

How ready is your organization to implement its strategy?

SGD $199.00

Individual Assessments

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Digital Maturity Index (DMI)

Where are you on your own digital maturity journey?

SGD $40.00

“Strategy is about making the right choices. Implementation is about taking the right actions.”

“Strategy can be defined as the thinking and implementation as the doing.”

“Leaders are guilty of repeating the same implementation mistakes they have previously made.”

“Knowing and taking the right actions move organizations from strategy creation to strategy implementation.”

“You can outsource the crafting of a strategy but not its implementation.”