Organization Implementation Assessment

How ready is your organization to implement its strategy?

Readiness2Implement Assessment

Assessment icon
  • After crafting your strategy, where should you focus to start the implementation?
  • What are the right actions you need employees to take?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses in your ability to implement?

Implementing your strategy is not an easy challenge, 2/3 of organizations fail at it, according to our own research. Identifying the right strategy is a critical responsibility of leaders.

How do you know, however, if it is the right strategy? Only when you implement it will you know if it’s delivering the desired outcomes. Also:

“Customers notice your implementation not your strategy” – Robin Speculand

This assessment identifies your current implementation level and the identify and prioritizes the right actions.

Strategy is about making the right choices, implementation is about taking the right actions.” – Robin Speculand

Our Readiness2Implement assessment, is based on our propriety framework, the Implementation Compass™. It identifies your implementation capabilities and the specific actions your organization needs to take. The results are displayed in an easy-to-read radar diagram.

How to Use:

  1. Start by identifying your current strategy to use the reference point for the questions.
  2. Each of the eight areas for excellence in implementation that make up the Implementation Compass have three questions. Rate your organization on a scale of 1 to 10 where one is low and 10 is high.
  3. The results table that you receive after completing the assessment shows you the average score for each area.
  4. The results page also suggest how you can identify the right actions for your organization to implement its strategy.
Implementation Compass
Implementation Compass™

Take the Readiness2Implement Assessment.

(approximate 20 min)

Price: SGD $199.00